To be at the right place at the right time
May you keep this sensation in a blockchain
Don’t forget it,
Sensation that we were going to change the world
everything happens for a reason
We will always be friends
walking around on a sunny day
we didn’t even need to remember
where we were coming from,
Digital immigrants traveling with lifeboats
from different times,
One of a kind,
Not expendable because we encrypt ourselves
in hugs made from DoCs and Bpros,
eternal second, in which kindness
covers the planet like a naïve tsunami
of transformed energy,
all sickness healed without war, or hunger,
or all of the other weaknesses
that make us so human that we can’t stand ourselves
and we are obliged to swiftly eliminate ourselves
for the good of the planet,
eternal second,
the revolution we sought,
the zillionth scam to the zillionth power,
A group of words physically pronounced
cross the air and they form an image
that lifts us up,
Changing the dance allows us
to see excited bodies,
the ones containing so many dreams
that the streets are deprived of oxygen
from the deep breaths of these living,
inedible organisms,
One of a kind,
resting peacefully in their code fountain,
Synthetically searching for new truths,
they head towards the nucleus,
Stripped of its clothing, the cell strolls naked
through the streets of Greenpoint
looking for a blockchain to call home,
The blasphemous poison that carries us
towards programmed death,
an existence housed in the mines of Langfang
or perhaps in a Dataist church in Chicago,
Crypto-predators and crypto-poets
rejoice in the code’s truth with the POW workers,
confidence in a system that nobody can destroy
if we stay united,
if we inhabit what makes us unique,
One of a kind,
Not expendable
because we encrypt ourselves in hugs,
in tightly held hands
A gram of Ethereum falls on the floor
of a restroom in an art gallery in New York,
Two friends discuss the DAOs
in a backyard on Kent Avenue,
Elon Musk tweets about fossil fuels
and my roommate loses thousands of dollars,
Mint me, turn me into something unique,
Token me again and
give out my little bits to engineers,
Hyper put me in an infinite sequence
until it overloads,
We are trying to discover
the deformed mask that hides scammers
of this non-religion
whose gods are being invoked
in real time and live streaming,
What if we are the scammers?
What if this is just an inflated balloon between us?
The fathers are Sathoshi Nakamoto
We continue
distributing helium amongst mortals
Minotaurs that don’t have to learn to way back,
Now they drive horse-drawn
carriages without fear of getting burnt,
creating the legend’s code,
constructing the primary material
with which new realities are written,
the artists think that only creativity
protects purity,
the main reason for creating the piece of art,
this idea spreads like a fine film
over this level of impertinent reality
like Hephaestus’s net over
the unfaithful Ares,
The rest will be mud and sand,
blood and guts,
broken glass put back together
without shine or rhyme,
Let’s get out of this binary logic!
Let’s reach towards a new level of reason!
Let’s debate until we arrive
at something that isn’t either of us,
something that is found out of this world,
but affects this world,
The terrifying hybrid because it’s unknown
will be the next evolutionary step
Mint me, turn me into something unique,
Token me again
and give out my little bits to engineers,
Hyper put me in an infinite sequence
until it overloads
New Worlds
New worlds
New worlds to escape to
New worlds because this one is getting old
New worlds because fleeing forward
Seems the only way to bear existence
without possible answers
New worlds we build
so, we can have the answers
that old worlds built by others didn’t have
New worlds wanting to be the future
but can only be the present
New worlds getting old
just after they being created
New worlds that can’t be new
without a new language
New worlds built with old material
inhabited by old people
New worlds being born
not wanting to be born
not wanting to be worlds
nor to be new
New worlds
New worlds while the one we thought was old
is still new
New worlds that will grow older
faster and faster
New worlds that will never give us
what we want
that don’t need flesh and bone
but a soul
New worlds as living organisms
rather than containers of living organisms
New worlds that will only be new if filled with
new things and new people
New worlds that will only be new
if we go extinct before we create them
Picasso in Botswana
Art is a game
And not everyone is invited to play,
Art is a game
And if Picasso had been born in Botswana
nobody would be buying postcards
with his works in the gift shop of the MET,
Art is that which we agree is art,
If someone doesn’t agree,
we call them a heretic and we throw them
in the Hudson with a sculpture of Robert Indiana
tied to their legs to see if they float,
It’s art if it doesn’t sink in the dirty waters,
It’s art if five zeros line up to get in your wallet,
It’s art if it smells like gold,
tastes like gold and
weighs the same as gold,
It’s art if you stop repeating how good it is
and you stop to look at it,
if you stop trying to understand,
explain it,
Picasso en Botswana passing out pulas
and on the walls of the MOMA
they hand pieces of his melted ego,
Without seas,
Without people,
Rivers of people doing what they DON’T feel,
doing what they think they’re supposed to do,
what someone told them they should do or
what they read in the Time Out New York,
in the Brooklyn Rail,
The Setinkane drum sounds and
someone plays the Phala
Picasso walks slowly
through the streets of Gaborone
while on the other side of the world,
a painting that he didn’t paint
sells for millions of dollars,
Nobody knows who Picasso is
Burn after Selling
I can’t believe you idiots are buying this
Baring witness is participating,
two hundred grams of aluminum and glass
you hold in your hand while
your eyes hypnotically contemplate
the vertical scroll,
collection of chords
that vibrate asynchronously
in the absence of beauty,
your hands too,
your eyes too,
your neurons too,
the ones that die in the repetitive synapsis
of hypnotic enjoyment,
Shredding after selling,
Burning the original after selling the digital copy,
it is not a copy anymore,
it is not something analogic,
Shredding after selling,
Encrypting before anyone finds
the tomb of the original profit and
we are resurrected from this alienated sensation
that we are more alive than ever,
Shredding after selling,
Giving a piece of dead skin that’s
at the point of falling off from gravity’s reign
or a piece of the right ventricle at its height,
so, we can prove
that the object’s weight and profundity don’t matter
only the sensation you get when you touch it,
only the far-off feeling of the primitive attribute
that disappears if we stop using it.
Shredding after selling,
Physical scraps,
finite and infinite chains that prevail,
They don’t exist they aren’t anywhere
You can’t stop the digital wave,
this horizontal yelp that lifts you up
to listen to incomprehensible words,
a tsunami of zeros and ones, of blinking lights
that blind and consume at the stake,
the one that awaits those that believe
in this insane transformation.
Sheredding after selling.
A new shadow is forming in the cave,
The fire of the future replaces the fire of the past,
while the burning present
longs for serpentine flames
that can reach the heavens of knowledge
finally free,
White smoke sustains
the cement of civilization,
as we know it,
Black smoke
when hate replaces understanding,
Shredding after selling,
Mint the ashes of what used to be,
What happens when there is nothing left
because there is nothing combustible left to burn?
When the servant burns too
like his children burn and the children of his children?
The new universe cannot be imagined from our reality
it went back in time to build itself.