Brain gallery

The Brain gallery is an experimentation section. Like root of the project an Artificial Inteligent has been trained with poems of Marcos de la Fuente and other poets in the idea to create a digital Twin. So, text generation tool takes you input text and generates what it thinks comes next, using a state-of-the-art neural network and adjusting to the writting style of poet.

Interact with the AI

Poet Digital Brain

In this space you can find also the how we connect the AI and physical components.

poet ditial brain sculture

One of our first proposals is to embed the AI model in an interactive sculpture.

In this case we represent how the creativity of users flows from their hands to the machine and vice versa. For achieve that we use a physical typewriter keyboard like interation piece, and how it is the starting point of creativity, allowing to create the connection between the user and the the AI, represented by a brain sculpture. Inside the brain we add a computer with the pre-trained AI model, that generate a poem base in a sentence that the user provide. We create this peice like a autonomous experience, for that we include as part of this piece a pico projector that facilitates display the interaction between the user and the AI.